Book an appointment with Tina!

So you want to deepen your relationship to BDSM, kink, fetishism, desire, fantasy, pleasure, gender, and love.

Whether your dating life needs some fine tuning, or you’re working on a cultural project that needs technical consulting, I’m here to help! My background is in the professional kink industry, as well as literature, theater, journalism, podcasting, grassroots movement support, and adult sex ed. With 20 years of experience in the field of sexuality, I can teach you skills, support you in conceptualizing meaning, and improve the quality of whatever you’re working on! I’ll ask you lots of questions, give you lots of custom journal prompts and wacky metaphors, and simply be the discrete, witty, non-judgmental friendly person with whom you can share your inner-most desires!

As a Coach, I specialize in:

  • Developing Dirty Talk style, relationship communication technique, and Erotic Persona

  • Exploring Role Play archetypes and fantasy scenarios

  • Understanding your own personal WHY you’re “into that” — whatever you’re into — and how to make it HAPPEN for yourself!

As a Consultant, I specialize in:

  • Bringing authentic, thoughtful detail to themes of intimacy, BDSM, sex work, and more for your creative project at any stage, from scripts to theater rehearsal to film and tv sets (credits: A Streetcar Named Desire off-Broadway, Loud and Longing feature, FX’s Pose)

  • “Doula”-ing your book or literary project as a Development Editor (credits: Witches Sluts Feminists, Coming Out Like A Porn Star, A Part of the Heart Can’t be Eaten)

What people are saying:

“As a trans woman and as an actor, I needed someone to help me get to a place where I could live the trauma of Blanche DuBois fully but also safely every night. Tina worked so generously with each actor individually and all of us as a team to create our own shared language around safety and she showed up fully prepared with in depth research on the gender roles and queerness during the play’s time period, the emotional and physical scope of the play itself, and each characters’ role in the story. We all learned so much together about ourselves as the characters, ourselves as actors, and ourselves as humans through this work with Tina and I am so grateful to her for creating the space for me to do my absolute best, most honest work. I cannot recommend her enough and have often ever since!”

— Ell Peck, first transgender actor in the role of Blanche in a US production of A Streetcar Named Desire

“Tina empowered our actors to be brave, to communicate in a way that felt both raw and trusting. She helped our team leap safely into the messy poetic depths of Streetcar. Tina generously brought the sum of her life experiences to give the cast a vocabulary to think about the role of intimacy and physicality in our play. Where we arrived was a gritty, unapologetic reckoning with the dark sexual violence of the material. With Tina’s work, the actors were able to take a leading role in driving the conversation around how these themes were represented and rendered with their bodies. She is an incredible collaborator.”

— Kevin Hourigan, director, A Streetcar Named Desire, off-Broadway, 2019

“I worked on my memoir with Tina Horn, and she is a phenomenal editor. Because she is also a writer, she has deep compassion for writers about the process, yet she will also give it to you straight! She asked me a series of questions which helped me really hone in on the vision for the book. She can see both the details and the big picture, which is invaluable. Her suggestions fundamentally changed my book for the better.”

— Tristan Taormino, author, A Part of the Heart Can’t Be Eaten

“As an intimacy coordinator, Tina is incredibly thoughtful and pragmatic. Her years of working in and writing about porn & sex work means she has an extensive, grounded understanding of how people feel & relate to their bodies in sex, and how we as viewers relate & interpret sex on screen - all this brought an extra depth to Tina’s work. She approached the scene with incredible care, working with the actors to create organic intimacy and movement that both served the characters and storytelling of the film, but also protected the actors involved. Tina fostered an environment on set where the actors felt protected and respected, which allowed them the freedom to play the scene and bring magic to the moment. I cannot recommend Tina highly enough.”

— Isabel Ellison, writer/director/actor, Loud & Longing